WBI Energy in the Community
We believe in giving back to the communities where we live and work. We encourage our employees to give back to their communities by granting them one day of paid time off each year to participate in a volunteer activity of their choice.
As a company, we support nonprofit organizations financially as well as through our actions. Our employees build playgrounds, barbeque at community events, shop for and donate supplies to local nonprofit organizations, participate in local safety training events and more.


Bret is devoted to his community. He has supported numerous organizations, including coaching youth soccer, flag football, tackle football, a traveling baseball team and little league baseball. He also organized the little league state tournament held in Powell, Wyoming. He has served on several boards of directors, including little league, a local archery club and go-cart racing. He also organized and helped install a new batting cage for the little league organization.

Beau strives to organize enough blood drives in his community of Glendive, Montana, to save one life for each day of the year. He works with the American Red Cross to organize at least three events annually. The American Red Cross reported in 2021 that thanks to Beau’s efforts, since 2015 they have collected 455 whole blood donations that have been split into 1,365 life-saving product, all from Glendive donors.
Safety: Every Day In Every Way
We are committed to being a safe and responsible community member. Learn more about how we keep our employees, neighbors and communities safe – and how you can contribute to the safety of your community.
Our Foundation
We support our employees and our communities through several foundation programs.
- Grants: Our foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations in the communities where we live and work. Since its inception in 1983, the foundation has contributed more than $38 million to worthwhile charities and organizations.
- Volunteer match: Our foundation grants $750 to a nonprofit organization at which an employee or group of employees volunteers at least 25 hours in one year.
- Scholarships: The MDU Resources Foundation annually awards up to 30 $2,000 college scholarships to the spouses, children and grandchildren of eligible employees.
- Education match: This program matches employees’ personal contributions to educational institutions between $50 and $750.